
Tanzania Biological Safety Association (TaBSA)

Welcome to TaBSA

TANZANIA BIOLOGICAL SAFETY ASSOCIATION (TaBSA) is a professional association that congregates practitioners for promotion of biosafety and biosecurity to facilitate the sharing of information to scientists, laboratory personnel, engineers, academics and policy makers who have a common interest in biosafety and biosecurity issues. TaBSA is a Professional Association established in March 2018 and registrered (S.A. 21759 by the Registrar of Societies in Tanzania under the Societies Act (CAP. 337 R.E 2002) 

TaBSA is responsible for the... Read More

Message from TaBSA President

Our Mission

To be the leading independent Tanzania Biological Association for Biosafety and Biosecurity management and professional advice.

Our Vision

To promote the sustainable safety and security of biological activities and resources, underpinned by the best real-time available science.

News & Events

Biosafety and Biosecurity Conference