- To advance biosafety and biosecurity as a scientific discipline through capacity building and research in Tanzania.
- To enhance collaboration and networking in areas of biosafety and biosecurity, including biorisk management implementation of these principles in Tanzania.
- To identify the training needs of Tanzanian Biosafety Professionals for the purpose of ensuring their proper qualifications for enforcing biosafety and biosecurity principles.
- To design and implement training programmes that increase knowledge and skills in biosafety and biosecurity of the members.
- To utilize knowledge and skills in biosafety and biosecurity to design and implement- biosurveillance and molecular diagnostic systems in order to strengthen prevention, detection and responses to emerging and re-emerging biological threats in Tanzania.
- To seek International cooperation towards reducing the risk of biological threats by collaborating with other professionals and governments to develop best biosafety and biosecurity practices that are consistent with national and international standards requirements.
- To provide members continuous opportunities for biosafety and biosecurity communication, education and participation in the development of standards, guidelines and regulations for these disciplines.
- To expand biosafety and biosecurity awareness and promote the safe working environment, so as to reduce the potential for occupational illness and adverse environmental impact from infectious agents or biologically-derived materials.
- To promote responsible conduct of life sciences or dual use research.
- To strengthen laboratory biosafety containment levels in Tanzania, to be able to handle, investigate and dispose safely highly pathogenic organisms.
Meet professionals and Certified Competent team on ISO 35001:2019 Biorisk management for laboratories and other related organisations, ISO/IEC 17025, General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories and a quality management system based on ISO 9001:2015